Is it wrong to say “I hope this does not inconvenience you in any way”? [closed]

This question is too basic; it can be definitively and permanently answered by a single link to a standard internet reference source designed specifically to find that type of information. Closed 9 years ago. I recently had a dilemma regarding this. While the above sentence sounds okay to my ears, “I hope this does not … Read more

Which one is grammatically correct: “one of the great” or “one of the greatest”?

I have been playing a typing game for a while now. The text starts with: Aesop was one of the great Greek writers… Is “one of the great” grammatically correct? Answer Aesop was one of the great Greek writers… and Aesop was one of the greatest Greek writers… Are both grammatically correct and mean the … Read more

which MAKE or which MAKES (difficult one)

Sentence: “I admire teachers who are knowledgeable and patient, which MAKE/MAKES their students feel confident.” I want to emphasize that the CIRCUMSTANCE which is created by teachers that are knowledgeable and patient creates an environment where students feel confident. Therefore this is a circumstance “…which MAKES students feel…” However, “teachers” is plural and on top … Read more

Study X “at depth”?

Is it grammatically correct to say that you wish to “study X at depth” (where X is some subject/field). I thought you could say “study X at depth” similar to how you could say “study X in depth”, but I’m not so sure anymore Answer I think you might have (con)fused “in depth” and “at … Read more

“I am THE weekend engineer assigned to your ticket” or “I am A weekend engineer assigned to your ticket”

I understand this question is very similar to hundreds of previously asked ones, but we still cannot come to an agreement, and maybe we’ll be fighting each other soon. Which version is correct? “Hello, My name is <>, and I’m the weekend engineer assigned to your case” “Hello, My name is <>, and I’m a … Read more

It is not + noun + to infinitive

I do know an adjective (without a noun) in this construction can be followed by a to-infinitive, as in: It is not acceptable to kill a goat in that way. It is not good to kill him here. But, is it also grammatical to insert a noun after the adjective without changing anything else in … Read more

Is the phrase ‘serve you heart and soul’ grammatical?

Is the phrase ‘serve you heart and soul’ grammatical? And what does it mean? If the phrase becomes ‘serve your heart and soul’ or ‘serve you with heart and soul’, does it still make sense and what meaning does it carry? Answer We have several expressions and collocations that function even when they lack a … Read more

What is the grammatical function of “which” in this sentence?

I am trying to understand various instances in Hansard, the documentation of proceedings in the UK parliament, wherein the word which is used in an unusual (by my modern parlance, at least) position, one assumes in a formal manner. An example arises in the choice of words used to introduce a Commission in the House … Read more

What is wrong with the sentence “There put a student an amazing answer to the test”?

Why is this sentence ungrammatical? There put a student an amazing answer to the test. Answer It’s not ungrammatical. It’s simply a marked order rather than the normal order. The normal order of English is subject–verb–object (SOV) for transitive verbs and subject–verb–complement (SVC) otherwise. The important thing is that normally English is SV, not VS. … Read more