suitable collocation

Do you have any idea for better collocation? So I chose decided to study chemical engineering at the university to pursue my passion since at high school we just studied basic concepts. Answer I believe basic concepts to be perhaps the most suitable and common collocation in that context. Alternatives include fundamental concepts and the … Read more

Is “stabilize into” a valid collocation?

Here is the full sentence: “Despite the fluidity of this trope, in the middle of the twentieth century, it briefly stabilized into a distinct shape”. Thanks for the help! Answer Yes, it’s a valid collocation, though “stabilize to/into” shows up in Ngram only fairly recently, from around 1920-1940. Here are some examples it turns up: … Read more

“have a refined bearing” OR “have a bearing with/of refinement”

thank you for answering my question. I was learning “bearing” with all its collocations, and there I learned that it can be used to describe the way in which someone move/stand/behave. I recalled that “refinement” can also be used to express one’s way of behaving. So I was thinking whether if it’s possible to form … Read more

What words go together with savvy? Business-savvy? Technology-savvy?

Are there rules to matching words with savvy? Answer I collected all combinations of X+savvy from the Corpus of Contemporary American English that occur at least twice. I then performed a collexeme analysis to see which elements are most strongly associated with savvy. The first fifteen words returned as significant are shown below: COLLEX CORP.FREQ … Read more

Undergo vs Suffer an accident

I was doing a CAE Practice Test on Use of English (It is a multiple choice exercise) when I came across the following example: Her life was cut tragically short. She ______ a horrific accident at the National Air Show in Ohio in the USA, when her plane crashed through the roof of a building … Read more

Repeat/repeated offender

In legal talk, specifically regarding criminals, it is standard usage to call someone who has broken the law several times a “repeat offender.” However, I don’t understand why such a person wouldn’t be called a “repeated offender.” Indeed, I have found somewources that use “repeated offender,” but these sources appeared to be English-language newspapers from … Read more

‘The phrase “cute puppy,”is not considered a collocation.’ Is this correct?

I am a data scientist who has a question about collocations based on a book I am reading. The book is “Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists” by Alice Zheng, Amanda Casari. In chapter 3, regarding working with text data and natural language processing, the authors state: “Collocations are more … Read more