Whom, who or that?

Which is the correct sentence? Match me only with people I kissed or people that I am following or Match me only with people I kissed or people who I am following or Match me only with people I kissed or people whom I am following Or are they all wrong? Answer These are correct. … Read more

The all too frequent conundrum involving “who” and “whom”

Sir Reginald Wingate, a British general, is said to have described the Bedouin as “an untrained rabble, most of whom have never fired a rifle.” Should it not have been “who” instead of “whom” in that sentence fragment? Google search for “most of who have” returns about 2,70,00,000 results. While a similar search for “most … Read more

Is it who, whom or, that?

For the phrase, “… more than those that have come before.” what is most correct? Is it who, whom or, that? Answer Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition. When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. … Read more

Which is correct in this example? Who or whom? (example upon which my friends and two professional editors could not come to an agreement)

I know this question has been posed many times already, but I’ve had several people (some even professional editors) who cannot decide on the correct form in this sentence. Three men, one demon, one minority—on a quest to kill the guy who/whom Domino’s parents love more than him. Please tell me which is correct. Who … Read more

Are ‘him’ and ‘as’ redundant in this sentence? What should be the correct construction?

Construction 1: “John Lenon, whom the fans call him their savior,…” Construction 2: “John Lenon, whom the fans call as their savior,…” Construction 3: “John Lenon, whom the fans call their savior,…” Answer The third sentence is correct. No. 1 doesn’t need ‘him’ – it’s already indicated within ‘whom’. No.2 is just plain wrong! AttributionSource … Read more

Is “whom’s” a valid contraction?

Who’s is valid, as in Who’s going? (Who is going?) So surely whom’s should be valid, as in Whom’s he invited? (Whom has he invited?) Answer There is no official list of valid contractions for the English language. We might be able to logically deduce that whom’s is “invalid” if there were some general syntactic … Read more