punctuation when a quoted question is followed by a reference

In my Closing Argument (for an administrative-type hearing), I invented a concise way of referring to page numbers in the Parent exhibit book, for example: There was no follow-up to R’s June 22 suggestion to meet in September (Q 202-203). (Note there is no confusion between parent exhibits and respondent (school) exhibits because the respondent … Read more

Can a clause beginning “I assume” be made into a question by intonation?

I recently answered a question on ELL. It included a sentence similar to this: If it’s neither A nor B, I assume that it’s C? I answered the question, and noted that I think that a clause beginning "I assume…" should not end with a question mark. The OP disagreed with me, and said that … Read more

Question mark followed by a comma or semi colon in a list

Is it ever okay to follow a question mark with a comma or semi-colon? For example, would any of the following be valid? 1 The main questions addressed in the literature are: who said it?, what does it mean?, and does it all make sense? 2 The main questions addressed in the literature are, (i) … Read more

Does the phrase “if that’s fine with you” require a question mark?

Say I have the sentence: I suggest we do an interview at 12 pm, if that’s fine with you. Is this sentence a direct question which requires a question mark, or should I keep it the way it is? Answer You can use either. Without the question mark, it really means “assuming that’s ok with … Read more

Do I need a comma after this question mark?

I want to write the folowing sentence in some work: You went there on Thursday? for instance, is not an interrogative clause but a declarative one, even if the utterance may be a question. In the format that I am expected to use, sentences like this should appear without any quotation marks, but in Italics. … Read more