Has the request “May I request you to …” to end with a question mark?

May I request you to kindly collect the brief? or May I request you to kindly collect the brief. Which of the above two sentences is correctly punctuated? Added afterwards: This request is to be made to a very senior official. This request is meant to be a polite form of asking the official to … Read more

How should a question which quotes a question be punctuated?

Suppose there is a sentence in question form, like the one appearing below: Where do you belong to? Now, if a speaker refers to that question, he will frame another sentence and will place the question in the quotation marks in that sentence, like what is appearing below: They said, “Where do you belong to?” … Read more

Punctuating mid-sentence question/uncertainty?

How do you indicate a question (as in an uncertain statement) mid-sentence? My first thought was: "That’s Fred and his—cousin?—by the punch bowl." But if you take out the parenthetical, you’re left with: "That’s Fred and his by the punch bowl." Which makes no sense. I considered this: "That’s Fred and his cousin(?) by the … Read more

How to put question mark after a quotation mark (in Chicago or MLA style)?

For example, if I want to ask a question that says: Where is, “You know nothing, Jon Snow” should I punctuate it as Where is, “You know nothing, Jon Snow?” or Where is, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”? or Where is, “You know nothing, Jon Snow,”? Answer In Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) 6.70 Question … Read more

Is this a parenthetical phrase or an apposition?

Consider the following What are you laughing at, my silly hat? and What are you laughing at? My silly hat? Which of these is correctly punctuated, and if the first example is correct, what is the name of the grammatical structure? Would the noun phrase after the comma be considered a parenthetical phrase? Is it … Read more

“…and who knew?” or “…,and, who knew…” or “…, and who knew…”?

Maybe by joining that religion I’d be able to understand myself, and who knew? Maybe I’d find the meaning of life. Maybe by joining that religion I’d be able to understand myself, and, who knew, maybe I’d find the meaning of life. Maybe by joining that religion I’d be able to understand myself, and who … Read more

is ‘do we actually know where we are going any more’ a question?

I’m confused as to if do we actually know where we are going any more is a question or not, because of the ‘do’ I think yes but when read it seems like a sentence. Answer Apart from the gut reaction “yes, it is a question because, um, it just is”, we can actually approach … Read more