Are these questions grammatically correct?

I have seen questions like "He went through all that just to go to Columbia?" or "That’s the Ferrari?" and I would like to know if they are grammatically correct. Can you use questions like that in regular speech? Can you even start a question with "you" or "that"? Answer These questions are grammatically correct. … Read more

Starting a sentence with two subordinating conjunctions

Is it grammatical to start a sentence with two subordinating conjunctions? For example: Because if it rains tomorrow, I will get wet, I hoped for a sunny day. It seems wrong to start a sentence with “Because if…” and the last two clauses feel like a comma splice, but I can’t figure out what’s actually … Read more

Whom or who in this case? Google thinks who

I was asking someone “whom were you horrible to?” And thought, is it who or whom? I believe it’s whom but when I typed the phrase into Google search It felt differently. Answer In the example given, ‘whom’ is correct, it is the object of the preposition to. Having said that, in North American English, … Read more

Is a comma or “if” needed in this sentence

"X might not have been made had money been a priority" We are discussing with friend about this sentence, which I had trouble understanding at first. To me, it’d have been more idiomatic adding "if" or a comma in the middle like : "X might not have been made if money had been a priority" … Read more

Is “But” allowed at the beginning of a sentence as a synonym to “Though” or “However”?

Is it correct to use “But” at the start of a sentence like this? You can afford it. But think twice before buying it. Won’t using “But” instead of “However” mark me as a non-native speaker? Answer If anything it would mark you as a native speaker, because native and non-native speakers alike are taught … Read more

Inversion with “many times” at the beginning of a sentence

I am having a discussion with my friend. I said, “Many times I have seen him washing his car.” He says it should be, “Many times have I seen him washing his car. Much like “Often do I see him”, and not “Often I see him.” While I agree with him on ‘often,’ I am … Read more

Is this an appropriate usage of “but” at the beginning of a sentence?

I try my best to use proper sentence construction and punctuation, and for my amusement, I’ve taken the quest to find meaningful situations where one might use the various conjunctions at the beginning of sentences. I was told that “because” was the only one that’s worthy of being placed at the start of a complete … Read more

Is a sentence beginning with “Different from” not so good?

I saw one topic on the wordreference forum discussing whether a sentence could begin with “Different from” (see the post). The example sentences in that post are A: Different from Drug A, Drug B can also be administered orally. B: Unlike Drug A, Drug B can also be administered orally. It is said that in … Read more