How do I say that one thing is another using active voice?

I’ve tried typing this question or variations of this question into Google to no avail, so I apologize if it has already been answered elsewhere. I’m trying to edit a paper for a class in which the instructor has written the following: I know that [to be verbs] CAN have the proper place, so don’t … Read more

Is this sentence correct or comprehensible? “They actually had more soldiers than was shown on TV”

I would like to know if the following sentence is correct: They actually had more soldiers than was shown on TV. Here I use “was” because I think the full sentence should be “They actually had more soldiers than (it) was shown on TV (that they had). I know it might not be a sentence … Read more

What is the verb ‘to be’ for the phrase “The mechanics of the mind”?

Should one use “the mechanics of the mind are” or “the mechanics of the mind is? The term “mechanics”, used in this sense, seems to be an uncountable noun. Answer The meaning of the mechanics is something like The sum of [the rules governing] the behaviour of the inner workings of which, as you say, … Read more

Pronunciation of ‘been’

As a non-native speaker, I often hear the word ‘been’ pronounced as /bɪn/ instead /biːn/ as I expect from the double ‘ee’. The phonetic transcritpion in the MacMillan dictionary is /biːn/ for the British entry, but in the American entry is /bɪn/. Nonetheless, when I heard that word pronounced in British English in sentences such … Read more

Can “Made” be used as adjective also?

Sentence: 1.Sweets are made from milk. 2.This building is made of stone and brick. In above “made” is adjective or “verb”? Since “made” is followed by “be verb form” in above sentences. Answer made is the past and past participle of make. made is an adjective usually used in combining form, e.g., handmade, tailor-made As … Read more

Construction of “woe is me”

The expression “woe is me” (meaning) looks strange. On the surface, it seems to mean “an unhappy event is me”. Sure, it’s an old idiom, undoubtedly reflecting vocabulary or grammar that is no longer productive in modern English. But what old language feature does it reflect? Is woe used as an adjective which is the … Read more