A word for non-Christian equivalent of “chapel”?

Specifically, the part of a temple in which the equivalent of an altar is situated, also where the religious services are performed. I need this word for a fantasy novel I’m writing in which no real-life religions exist. I intend for the word to be as general as is possible. Here is the context: With … Read more

Religious names in index. How do you order and present?

I have a book that discusses Catholicism. I would like to know if there are any established resources that advise on listing religious names in indexes, where the norm is reversal of surnames and forenames. For example Christ, should it be: Christ Jesus Jesus Christ Christ, Jesus (THINKING DEFINITELY NOT THIS) Also Popes: Pope John … Read more

When is it appropriate to send Seasons Greetings?

During what time of the year is it appropriate to close semi-formal written conversation with “Season’s Greetings”? Obviously sometime around December 25th, but how much in advance and how much past this date? Or isn’t it ever? Answer Generally speaking, in the US it’s appropriate from roughly now (Dec 7) through Jan 2 or so. … Read more

What is the most appropriate word to describe the phenomenon of many church bells ringing concurrently?

Usually in celebration of a wedding or Christmas morning? Although I know I’ve read a word that describes this event exactly, I can’t recall where or when. I’ve polled some pals and gotten “jubilee tolls” and “exultation tolls” but neither of these — forgive the pun — ring a bell. Thanks! Answer If you are … Read more

Why is it “came back from the dead” and not “came back from the death”?

Many times now, I’ve heard native English speakers (from the USA and Canada) say “he came back from the dead” instead of “from the death” when they mean resurrection. Dead is not a noun, so I don’t see why the sentence is correct. Evidently dead can be a noun that means dead people but that … Read more

The belief that a god is human-like

What is the word that means someone who believes a deity has a recognizable human form and personality? Usually, these personality traits are virtuous but they can also mimic man’s weaknesses and acts of immorality. For example, the Greek god Zeus was perfidious and extremely promiscuous. He sired numerous gods and demi-gods as a result … Read more

Query about C.E./A.D. and B.C./B.C.E

I know the difference between A.D./B.C. and C.E./B.C.E. in terms of the religious accuracy i.e. that Christ was probably born in 4 B.C., what I don’t understand is how this affects the C.E./B.C.E. interpretation of the calendar. Answer The calendar is the same in each system. From Wikipedia: The two notation systems are numerically equivalent; … Read more

Word for applying heavenly arguments to terrestrial issues

Is there a word for the process of applying heavenly-derived arguments to terrestrial issues? For example, “John Doe argues against abortion because his Catholic faith says it’s wrong. John’s argument is X-ical.” Where X is something like tautology. I feel the word “religious” doesn’t sufficiently convey the incongruity of using out-of-this-world logic to this world. … Read more

Word for the perception that the majority of people thinks about something the same way they do

So for example, supposing that I believed in God then because of my own belief I would assume that most people everywhere necessarily also believe in God. Kind of bias in the thought because of one’s own beliefs. Answer From Wikipedia… In psychology, the false-consensus effect or false-consensus bias, also known as Desolator Syndrome, is … Read more