How do I say that one thing is another using active voice?

I’ve tried typing this question or variations of this question into Google to no avail, so I apologize if it has already been answered elsewhere. I’m trying to edit a paper for a class in which the instructor has written the following: I know that [to be verbs] CAN have the proper place, so don’t … Read more

Passive voice in academic writing; why is it not recommended?

When writing academic papers in English I use three different spelling and proofreading tools: Word, Grammarly, and Ginger. In the settings of all these tools, I specify that the document is an academic article, where possible. Before I posted this question, I had a look at the question «Is using passive voice "bad form"?», but … Read more

how do I transform “that can be used” into active voice?

Consider the following sentence: The SuperAPI is the API that can be used to configure a Higher-Order model. When this sentence exists in a Microsoft® Office 365 Word document, the grammar checking functionality flags the fragment, “that can be used,” as passive. How would I rewrite this as an active-voice sentence? However, does not … Read more

Is using possessive pronouns after a name to show possession instead of apostrophe grammatical, like “John his car” for “John’s car”?

I’ve sometimes seen people use this so I was wondering if it is actually correct grammar or not. Couldn’t find anything saying that this is correct nor anything saying that this is wrong online. What I’m talking about is people saying e.g. "John his car" or "Apple their product designer" instead of "John’s car" or … Read more

ESL text: “I notice similarities between myself and . . . “: Acceptable use of reflexive pronoun?

In an ESL class, a student asked a difficult question about the use of “myself” in the following sentence: I notice similarities between myself and other people more than differences. (Speak Out, Upper Intermediate, p. 13, Exercise 11C, Pearson Longman, 2011) She said that she had been taught in Japan that it should “me” here. … Read more

How do you fix the passive voice in this sentence

I wrote this sentence: Because of his low weight, Gabe was still being nurtured instead of being named. And Word underlined the bold part saying I was using passive voice and I don’t know how to fix it. Passive voice is not part of the assignment, but I need two prepositional phrases. Answer Since Gabe … Read more

Is there a term for grammatical mistakes as a result of trying too hard?

Today, I learned the term hyperforeignism after writing that I was drinking a latté and then stopping to wonder why I was putting a diacritical mark on the “e”. This reminded me of other language mistakes that occur more frequently when people are actively trying to make fewer language mistakes, such as: Every “—– and … Read more

Is using passive voice “bad form”?

Whenever I create a document in Microsoft Word, it complains about a lot of my sentences being in passive voice. But, when I read that sentence aloud, it sounds fine to me. I am not sure if it is just me and will a statement in passive voice sound strange to a native speaker? So, … Read more

Why is “hopefully” treated so mercilessly?

Is the word “hopefully” unjustly treated? We don’t like the sentence: “Hopefully, my ship is just over the horizon and due in real soon now.” But we don’t mind saying: “Happily, the tree fell on that eyesore shed.” “Sadly, the swallows have not returned.” Why is “hopefully” so unwelcome at the adverb party? ObJoke: From … Read more