“Already” at the beginning of a sentence

Is it considered good form to use the word already at the beginning of a sentence? For instance: Already in 1930, certain people were watching television in their homes. I have seen it used in many history books and even in a speech by President Obama, but a friend of mine who is an excellent … Read more

Verb+ing as a verb beginning a sentence

Is this good English? Falling into the ocean, the drop dies as a drop, but not as water. Or should I say: When it falls into the ocean, the drop dies… Answer Starting a sentence with a verb in an -ing form is perfectly valid and acceptable. If properly used, it sounds dramatic and professional. … Read more

Starting a sentence with ‘About your question, …’

I have noticed myself often starting a sentence like this: About your drawing question, I don’t think there is an easy way to draw these shapes. Is it formal to start a sentence that way (formal in the sense of writing it in emails sent by students to a faculty member or adviser)? And do … Read more

Is it acceptable to begin a declarative sentence with “Am”?

I want to know firstly if it’s grammatically correct to start a declarative sentence with “Am”. For example: Am excited about the game today. Secondly, if it is grammatically incorrect, then I wanted to ask how much “head room” there is for the above usage. I can’t think of an example now, nor find one … Read more

Is the sentence “As though Bill Donohue didn’t have enough to be cranky about” self-complete?

I’m a regular reader of New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd’s column, which provides me with lot of input of contemporary English expressions that I cannot learn from ordinary English text books and readings. Today’s (February 14) New York Times carries her article titled “That Old Black Magic” starting with the following statement: As though … Read more

Title Capitalization of Keywords in Programming Languages

Possible Duplicate: Capitalising a sentence whose first word is explicitly lowercase Should I change the structure of a sentence/add filler words to make sure that the sentence always starts with a capital letter? In programming language documentation, it is common for keywords to appear in titles. Assuming that the keyword is strictly lowercase in the … Read more

Starting a sentence with “Starting with”

When you want to summarize a list of items, can you use “Starting with” at the beginning of a sentence in order to explain the first item? For example, is the following grammatically correct? I love all kind of animals. Starting with kittens and puppies, the cutest animals in the world. I’m rather fond of … Read more

Does the conversational nature of email allow us to begin sentences with conjunctions?

Possible Duplicate: Why is it incorrect to start a sentence with “and”? In grammar school, my English teachers taught me that I should never begin a sentence with a conjunction. Of course, that was before the advent of email, instant messages, text messages, Twitter, and Facebook updates. My Question: Does the conversational nature of email … Read more

Is it okay to start a sentence with a Greek letter (variable)?

Is it okay to start a sentence with a variable? Do I need to rewrite a sentence just because the subject is typeset as a Greek letter? For example: Φ is treated in a special way. vs. The variable Φ is treated in a special way. Answer In more scientific/mathematical writings it may be more … Read more